On this page you will find links to various owners manuals and manuals for cars of Toyota. Official factory manuals of Toyota, dedicated to certain models. Toyota (Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota Jidosha KK), Japanese automotive company, which is a part of the financial and industrial group Toyota.

One of the largest automobile companies in the world. It produces its products under various brands, including “Daihatsu”. The beginning of the history of the company Toyota can be considered 1933, when Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, initially unrelated to cars and engaged in the textile industry, opened an automobile department. Opened by his elder son, the owner of the company Sakichi Toyoda (Kiichiro Toyoda) (Kiichiro Toyoda), later, and led the car brand Toyota to the world fame. The initial capital for the development of the first cars were the money gained from the sale of patent rights to spinning machines of the British company Platt Brothers.

In 1935, work was completed on the first passenger car, named Model A1 (later AA) and the first truck Model G1, and in 1936 the Model AA car was put into production.